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Workshop conducted during 2018/19

A series of national workshops for college teachers on “Designing Physics Teaching Tools” was conducted by the department of physics, U.C College, in association with Academy of Physics Teachers,Kerala.

The first workshop in the series titled “How to create your own demonstrations for teaching fundamental physics” held on 11th and 12th of November 2017 was led by Sri.Ravishankar (Chennai). There were 27 participants from different universities in Kerala and from Tamil Nadu. This workshop involved demonstrations-cum-experiments sessions and hands-on training of the participants.

The second workshop in the series (from 26th to 28th of January 2018)  on Optical Experiments was led by Dr. Alok Sharan, Asst. Professor in Physics, Pondicherry University.

The third workshop conducted on 19th and 20th of May 2018 focussing on Electronics experiments was led by Dr. T S Natarajan, retired professor from IIT-Chennai (currently at IIT-Tirupati).

A two day Theory workshop for college teachers on Quantum mechanics was organized by the department in association with APT from 28-29 April 2018. Prof. Sivakumar from IGCAR was the resource person

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