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Book Release by the department

Book Release by the department

The Department of Physics organized a two-day workshop WMCT-23 as part of the SSR policy in a DST project (Ref No: CRG/2020/000448) sanctioned by Govt. of India. This workshop on material characterization techniques provided a broad overview of the experimental and theoretical techniques which are generally used for characterizing materials through introductory lectures with emphasis on instrumentation and data analysis.

The proceedings of the full research papers presented at the workshop is published as a book titled ‘Insightful Investigations: Exploring Material Properties through Characterization Techniques’. The book consist of 11 chapters. Dr. Shinoj V K of the department and Dr. Saritha K Nair of Department of Physics, MA college, Kothamangalam serves as the editors of the book. The Principal Dr. M. I. Punnoose sir released the book by giving its first copy to Dr. Geethanjali Gopakumar, a postdoc fellow at Uppsala University, Sweden.

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